You can renew your MISA-USA annual membership with the convenient and secure online payment button below. An existing PayPal account is not necessary, you can pay with any credit card.
NEW! Two Types of Membership
Annual membership – $30/year
Lifetime membership – $100/year. This is an introductory rate that is available through Feb 1, 2020. Lifetime rate will increase after that point.
Annual memberships run from February 1 – Feb 1 of each year. If you became an instructor after February 1, 2018, you will pay a prorated amount, if you choose an annual membership for the 2019 year.
Lifetime memberships never expire and can be paid at any time.
Benefits of Membership
The benefits of a membership continue to expand. Current instructors have until the end of January to experience and explore the changes. After that time, members areas and benefits will be open only to paid members.
- Listing on the MISA-USA website. Fill out form here
- Access to forms and sample letters to assist you in your work
- 15% discount in the MISA-USA warehouse
- Members only Facebook page for member support
- Membership card to identify yourself when you go into schools and organizations
- Sharing of ideas, stories and tips
- Ability to attend members only retreats
- Humanitarian work
- Funding support for public relations at conferences
- Materials that are only available to members
- Ability to fund-raise and apply for grants under MISA-USA’s nonprofit status to do your work as a MISP instructor.
- Access to “Learning from each Other” video chats.